From bizarre surprises to chaotic disasters, these actual stories depict the unpredictable side of Thanksgiving,
transforming a simple feast into a memorable but disastrous show.

Story 1

Story 2

- Our old oven somehow went into self-cleaning mode and locked itself while my mother’s turkey, which she had worked so hard on, was inside. The oven then turned itself up to about 500 degrees to begin the cleaning process and nearly burned the turkey to a crisp. After realizing what was happening, my mother began pounding on the glass and yelling. Fortunately, my father was able to jimmy the lock open with a screwdriver. The oven wouldn’t turn off, so we just left the door half open and let it finish cooking.The turkey had a nice crunch on the outside that year, and needless to say, my mom was able to convince my dad to get her all new appliances for the following Christmas.
- I was probably six or seven at the time. My mom’s candles set the kitchen curtains and some decorative greenery on fire. My sister, my cousins, and I were at the “kids’ table” in the kitchen while the adults were in the dining room, so no one significant noticed anything except me. My mom had warned us not to disturb the adults during dinner, so I quietly walked to the dining room and stood silently for a minute or two until someone noticed me. Only then did I politely say, “Sorry, but the kitchen’s on fire.” My mom still gives me grief about prioritizing politeness over common sense.