The length and form of our fingernails, among other things, all reveal something about who we are, but the lines on our palms are the most significant (at least in the context of palmistry).\n It\u2019s known as palm reading, and a great deal can be revealed by those little lines.\n The Life line, the Head line, the Heart line, and the Fate line are the main lines. These are less concerned with forecasting your future and more with living quality.\n For instance, the headline describes how you think rather than how intelligent you are, and the lifeline describes the kind of life you\u2019ll lead rather than how long you\u2019ll live. You shouldn\u2019t rely on the Heart line to provide you with sound relationship counsel, though, as it is inconsistent.\n For some fortunate individuals, these lines create a\u00a0\u201cM\u201d\u00a0on one or both hands. Thus, to have a M on your hand indicates that you are quite unique.\n